Guide | Creating Your First Uptick Chain Account

Uptick Network
5 min readApr 13, 2023


In this article, we will walk you through setting up your very first Uptick Chain account so you can easily enter the Uptick NFT Multiverse and start interacting with the marketplace.

This guide will be divided into two sections:

1 ) Metamask Setup

2) Keplr Setup

The very first thing you will need to do is set up your wallet.

Let’s get started!

MetaMask Setup

The Uptick Mainnet Marketplace is based on EVM, which means you can easily connect via the MetaMask browser extension.

1) The very first step is to install the extension on your browser of choice.

Please note: During the setup, you will be asked to write down a seed phrase. Lose this, and you lose access to your funds. Proceed with caution.

2) In order to get started on the marketplace, you will need to connect MetaMask to Uptick Chain.

This can be done by visiting Uptick Mainnet Marketplace, and once you’re on the site, the following pop-up should appear:

Click [Approve] and your wallet should now be connected to Uptick Chain.

Alternatively, you can manually enter the following network details by pressing [Add Network] on the chain settings list inside the MetaMask extension:

Network Name: Uptick Network


Chain ID: 117

Currency Symbol: UPTICK

Block Explorer URL

Please note: You must make sure you’ve switched to [Uptick Network] via the dropdown menu in Metamask in order to connect to Uptick Mainnet.

Once you see [Uptick Network] to the right of the fox logo, this will confirm that the network has been switched correctly:

In order to start creating, collecting and trading NFTs on the marketplace, you will need to connect MetaMask to your Uptick Marketplace account.

3) To connect MetaMask to your Uptick Marketplace account, press the [Connect Wallet] button at the top right corner of the page and choose MetaMask:

After successfully connecting, that means you’re now ready to start exploring and interacting with the marketplace!

Keplr Setup

The Keplr wallet is used for various IBC functions on the marketplace and can be set up in a similar way to MetaMask.

1) The first thing you will need to do is: Install Keplr Extension on your browser of choice.

2) Once installed, Choose [Create New Account]

3) Write down your mnemonic seed phrase and make sure to store it in a safe (offline) place:

If you lose this seed phrase, you lose your funds. Proceed with caution.

4) Choose an account name, and proceed to the next page where you will be asked to (in the order you wrote them down) enter your seed phrase and confirm it is correct.

Click [Register]

In order to interact with the marketplace, you will need to connect the Keplr wallet to Uptick Chain.

5) Visit the Uptick Browser, press [Wallet] and [Connect to Keplr]

After doing this, Keplr will automatically recognise that you’re trying to connect and the following pop-up will appear:

When the pop-up appears, press the [Approve] button.

6) The final step is to change the network to [Uptick Network]

By default, this is set to [Cosmos Hub]. Navigate to the dropdown menu, scroll down the list and choose [Uptick Network]

To find your Uptick address, simply open up the extension once connected to [Uptick Network] and look for the addresses beginning with ‘0x’ and ‘uptick’

Click either one to copy the address, and congratulations, you’re done!

Uptick Network is building business-grade NFT infrastructure and ecosystems for Web 3.0; redefining how value is created on the internet.

The interoperable multi-chain platform is built on Cosmos SDK and powered by IBC, EVM and more, enabling a wide range of innovative applications that leverage the unique properties of NFTs.

There are three major components to the Uptick Network: the infrastructure, the marketplace, and the ecosystem applications.

Empower your digital assets via the marketplace on web or with the flagship Uptick NFT mobile app for seamless NFTs on the go.

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Uptick Network

Business Grade NFT Infrastructure and Ecosystem for Web3